Commercial judges to apply for the trademark "President" and "1221719", "President PRESIDENT" trademark (referred to as the trademark), 6489406th
The "President PRESIDENT" trademark (referred to as the "two") of the same name, and the specified use of the same kind of goods or similar goods, the final determination of the application for trademark registration shall not be approved.
Cixi Yile Lighting Technology Co. Ltd. No. 76224th refused to accept the ruling, bring a lawsuit to the Beijing first intermediate people's court, Shengzhou lawyers as agents of the Jirel attended the court proceedings. We put forward the "first, a cited trademark approved for use in the" Spotlight "goods the registered trademark has been revoked similar to the" Spotlight "commodity shall be approved. Secondly, specify the use of the trademark application for trademark and citation two approved use of the product does not constitute a similar commodity" point of view. The court's approval. After the trial, the Beijing first intermediate people's court revocation of the judges to make business review the word [2013] No. 76224th trademark dismissed the review decision and ordered the defendant to make a decision.